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Home Yoga Teacher Training Article Hip Opening Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

Hip Opening Yoga Poses and Their Benefits

Hatha Yoga is the most popular traditional form of yoga which is practiced by millions of people around the world. The word Hatha in Sanskrit represents the Sun and moon principles. It is the process of balance of two energy forces.It is the act of balancing. The Hip opening yoga poses are the fundamental key poses in Hatha Yoga Training Curriculum and they contribute for the balancing and channelizing the energy in the system. This process of energy channelization from the root centre to the command centre is called as Kundalini Yoga and these centers called as psychic energy centers and the channels which flow the energy are known as subtle energy channels or nadis. Different types Yoga techniques training and their practice including that of the yoga poses are applied in this journey.
Importance of Hip Openers in Yoga Practice
The successful practice of meditation is achieved by the proficiency and progress in the practice of any of the meditative poses. This progress is attained by the best possible flexibility of the hip joints in order to keep the body free form the disturbances. Secondly, these poses also contribute to reduce the load on the lumber part of the spine which is great support in the meditation practice. These poses are also great preparation and help in the practice of most demanding forward bending poses which are helpful to develop the sense of tranquility and serenity to the mind. Maharshi Patanjali defines the posture as stable and comfortable body position which is bringing the equilibrium or state of balance through the mechanics of energy balance in the mind and body.
Anatomy of Hip Joint and its Movements
The hip joint is freely movable synovial joint. It is an example for the ball and socket joint. The femoral head is the ball and acetabulum is the socket structure. Femur is the longest and heaviest bone. It is one of the major joint in the body which connects the axial skeleton with lower part of the body. The stability and mobility of the hip joints mainly depends on the flexibility of the muscles which are surrounding it. The capsule and ligaments support these structures more strongly as this joint play significant role in the balance and support of the body weight.

This is one of the highly mobile joint and we shall find the following six types of movements. The knee and ankle joint mobility is of great help for the hip joint flexibility.
1. Flexion
2. Extension
3. Abduction
4. Adduction
5. Internal rotation
6. External rotation
The concept of energetic anatomy and physiology explains psycho-physiology of hip joints. These poses mainly act on the Muladhara Chakra which is the seat of primordial energy of Kundalini. The opening of the hips joints allows the free flow of the dormant energy across the shushumna nadi. Muladhara chakra harbors many of the pent up emotions and stressful conditions.
Five Yoga Poses to Increase the Strength and Flexibility of Hip Joints.
Sedentary and semi sedentary life style is one of major causes of the tight hip flexors as the long sitting hours in the desk reduce the ability of the muscle stretching leading to tightness. It is important to consider all the movements of the hip joints in order to enjoy the stability and mobility with different types of poses practiced in standing, sitting or in the prone as well as supine conditions. Each category of these asana brings a unique experience and this will collectively help in the safe and supportive practice environment of achieving the hip openings. The principles of movement, breathing and gazing are followed with the key poses having the consistency in the practice. The selection and sequencing of the following poses in suitable place will bring the wonderful advantages.
1. Gomukhasana
2. Bharadwaj Asana
3. Baddha Konasana
4. Upavistha Konasana
5. Hanumanasana
Health Benefits of Hip Opening Yoga Poses
The regular practice of Hip opening yoga poses brings the vide range of health benefits on physical , mental and emotional levels.
Spinal Health: The flexibility of the hip opening poses reduces the stress and strain of the lower back. It contributes for the improvement in the spinal strength and relieves the back pain issues.
Development of the Symmetrical Conditions and Alignment: Poor postures and asymmetric conditions of the body exert undue strain and stress on different parts of the body particularly the lower back. Hip opening poses like Badda Konasana develops the symmetrical conditions as well as the proper pelvis and hips alignment with more stability.
Strength of Pelvic Floor: These poses improve the strength of psoas major and other muscles in the pelvic floor. Toning this area is very useful during pregnancy and labor. Many of the poses of Prenatal Yoga Course will be of great help in the achievement of this objective.
Emotional Detoxification: Hip openers are believed to reduce the negative stress and anxiety which are considered to be mainly rooted in the tight hips. Thus play an important role in the purification of the emotions.
Improvement in the Joints Range of Motion: The six major movements of the hip joint is very useful in the promotion of the healthy mobility of the joints range of motion and better blood circulation across these areas.
Stimulation of Peristalsis: Most of the poses with hip flexion like in Upavishta Konasana stimulate the peristalsis activity owing to the massaging impacts on the digestive organs. This is beneficial in the promotion of the digestion and assimilation of the nutrients along with the elimination of the impurities from the body.
Preparation for Meditation: Safe and efficient practice of more demanding forward and backbend poses takes place with flexible hip joints which is useful in sitting comfortable in order to practice pranayama and meditation techniques for an extended period of time.

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